Snowbee Stocking Fillers for Christmas

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At Christmas, it’s those little stocking fillers that can make the day that little bit more special. We’ve chosen a range of gifts to suit every budget to give you an idea of what we can offer for that special gift. Choose from our Gold tippet material, amazing hand trout net, cozy wellie socks right up to our very practical travel bags to please the most discerning angler…

Stocking fillers for Christmas

13275 Knitted CoolMax®
Technical Boot Socks  Read more…
13141 Lightweight Neoprene Gloves Read more…
XS-Plus Spectre Distance Fly Lines Read more…

specialist fly line Read more…
14759 Fly Tying
Display Set Read more…
19096 Fly & Leader
Keeper Patch Read more…
XS-Plus Gold
Super-Fluorocarbon Leader and Tippet Material Read more…
XS-Plus Gold
Super-Copolymer Leader and
Tippet Material Read more…
Aluminium frame,
hand trout net Read more…
Our new Rubber Mesh Hand
Trout Nets Read More…
14762 Waterproof Salmon/Saltwater
Fly/Lure Box Read more…
14755 Slimline Silicone-foam
Fly Box  Read more…
For the traveling angler, Santa himself may have one of these with him, as the Snowbee Travel bag has flown millions of miles and carried tons of essential kit to destinations all over the world… Buy now
Finally for that most special Angler in the world still 30% off the brand new and sensational Prestige Graphene fly rod, reel and Line Outfit,
save up to £215.70… View deal