Long cast Competition fly lines…

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Chatton Trout fishery near Alnwick
The Appleby family at Chatton trout fishery
The Appleby family at Chatton trout fishery

The hugely successful Appleby family enjoy a great day out with their new competition Long Cast floating fly lines. Peter, and Dean hook up simultaneously, whilst Glen takes a rest here between fish. Clearly this is acceptable as the weekend just gone Glen won the TEFF national bank championships 2017 at this very location, congratulations to Glen.  In fact Glen has confirmed he won the competition using the Snowbee long cast fly line on the dry! At 50m in length, if your casting is up to it these lines can reach fish previously out of range up to 50m away, if you’re dry fly fishing you need pretty good eye sight too…

If you come along to Blakewell Fishery this Sunday 14th May 2017, our very own Simon Kidd England International & Snowbee marketing & sales manager will be demonstrating how good this line is..  Also an opportunity for you to see and try all the latest tackle on show and witness fly line presentation and casting demonstrations. Have a go yourself with the new New Roll Cast, Long Cast and Thistledown fly lines, the very latest floating lines for tight back casts, wide open spaces, lake and rivers or simply pick up some tips on improving your own casting.

CLC-F Competition ‘Long Cast’ Fly Line
CLC-F Competition ‘Long Cast’ Fly Line

Whilst designed as an out and out distance casting line, and needing a good back drop to double haul, this line can produce insane casting distance in the right hands and a perfectly balanced rod outfit. In distinctive Ivory head and bright Red running line, ones casting skills and achievements will be the envy of ones neighbours all struggling to reach distant fish and drop offs that can now be achieved. 
Colour: Ivory-Red 
Available in three sizes only: #7 and #8 both Floating Buy now…